
12 October 2009

Garmin Xt on Nokia N70

How to setup Garmin XT at you Nokia N70

You Need ...
Nokia N70
Holux M1000 / Garmin GPS10 (GPS Bluethooth Reciever) <--- Can be used for PC

Then download
Garmin XT S60 2nd

Garmin Mobile XT Free Basemap, Ver. 4.xx.xx

Garmin Mobile XT Support Files, Ver. 4.xx.xx

keygen ...; ygen.rar

After download all software

1. Get your phone memory card that put in your card reader at your pc.

2. Click twice on Garmin XT S60 2nd to install.

3. Install it in your memory card

4. After finish, install Garmin XT Free Basemap and Garmin XT Support Files

5. Remove Memory card from card reader than insert in your phone.

6. Run Garmin XT on your phone Nokia N70

7. Click navigation key to Setting then click

8. Then click at About

9. Write those number that your see at paper. ID number : XXXXXXXXXXX

10. Close Garmin XT application at the phone

11. Remove phone memory card again and put back at card reader on pc

12. Run Keygen application and write those ID number then click generate

13. Open GarminXT folder at your phone memory card

14. Create file with Notepad sw.unl (remember not sw.unl.txt)

15. Copy Generate Number then paste at sw.unl

16. Easy... Insert back phone memory card on your phone.

17. On Bluethooth and Paired it with GPS Bluethooth receiver. Usually GPS bluethooth reciever "0000"

18. Run GarminXt on you phone Nokia N70

19. Finish.. you now have you own GPS navigation software on your phone

I not sure that URL still valid. Please inform me. I hope you can used

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